W&J Alum Presents Exhibition Unique to Olin Gallery

Created: October 21, 2014  |  Last Updated: October 4, 2021  |  Category:   |  Tagged:

WASHINGTON, PA (Oct. 17, 2014)——六年前, 在华盛顿奥林美术中心的教室和艺术工作室里经常可以看到08届的托尼·刘易斯 & Jefferson College (W&J) campus. 今天,他的作品可以在世界各地找到.

Lewis returns to W&J Oct. 24 for the opening of a solo exhibition of his work, 4 Ounces,在奥林美术馆展出. 他的展览将持续到11月11日. 23, and will include a piece specifically created for the 奥林美术馆.

“从大学毕业后, 托尼继续创作和展出敏感而聪明的作品,这些作品得到了各大博物馆和画廊的认可和展出,道格拉斯·麦克格林菲说, 奥林美术馆馆长. “For Tony to agree to exhibit at his alma mater just after being a part of 2014惠特尼双年展 at the 惠特尼美国艺术博物馆 in New York is an exceptional opportunity for our current students at W&J to see the stellar possibilities ahead of them.”

Lewis also has exhibited in Chicago, Miami and several other U.S. cities. Internationally, he’s shown in Germany, Italy and Israel. 他的作品也曾作为2013-2014年BIAC马提尼克国际当代艺术双年展的一部分,在加勒比海的马提尼克岛展出三个月。.

刚从W大学校园来&J,刘易斯开始追求他的专业艺术生涯通过美术硕士课程 School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). 2009年,他开始了一项广泛的研究, relentless relationship to scholastic studio materials, paper, 主要是松散的石墨粉. 能够理解二维图形之外的画法, Lewis relies on the studio as a space for constant play, 以及一个严重的, 专门研究语言, and limitations.

“In 2010, 我开始在我200平方英尺的工作室里使用几磅细粉和片状粉. 它无处不在,无处不在. 我感觉自己像个煤矿工人,”刘易斯说. “I was no longer making two-dimensional work for walls, but creating a series of practical problems within the given space. 一直存在的问题是, and is, 哪些物理和概念上的界限会限制制作过程?”

Citing general health and air quality concerns, 国家工商总局绘画处建议他停止在这种环境下工作, 要求他清空他的工作室, 把房间打扫干净了.

尽管有创造性的冲击, 刘易斯说,他能够在工作室工作中建立并保持更正常的节奏,直到他上学的最后一年, 当他无意中创造了同样的场景——一个覆盖着细石墨粉的工作室.

“我和学校又开了一次会, 他们威胁要剥夺我在工作室的特权,除非我签署一份合同,声明在我作为SAIC的MFA学生的剩余时间里,我不会使用超过4盎司的石墨粉. I graduated in 2012.”

Lewis’s style of art is typically minimalistic. 这是他最近的一系列作品之一, including the pieces shown at the Whitney Museum, 很大程度上受H. Jackson Brown Jr.’s 生活小指南. Lewis said the book is essentially “an American positivist, 自助书,充满了鼓舞人心的提醒,让你过上快乐而有意义的生活,,但这最终让他着迷于“道德上体贴的语言所固有的社会指导”.”

His finished works are intriguing and enigmatic, 通常只有几个稀疏的字母, fragmented words and occasionally nonsensical phrases, 比如“people people和color colored”,暗示着潜在的意思.

他还会改写整句话 生活小指南, which take on new meaning when merged with his art. Pounded out with nails rather than printed on a page, 书中的句子——包括“控制好自己的脾气”和“永远不要和警察争吵”, and address them as “‘officer’” – take on a more ominous connotation.


“I choose material, 科目和方法对我如何开始理解我在世界上的位置很重要,” he said. “我希望当人们看到我的作品时,能对这些事情进行反思.”

刘易斯在伊利诺伊州芝加哥市生活和工作. He received his MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, 和他在华盛顿的文学学士学位 & 杰斐逊学院,华盛顿,宾夕法尼亚州.

他的展览从10月11日开始. 24 through Nov. 23, with an opening reception and artist talk on Friday, Oct. 24 from 6 to 8 p.m. 所有活动均免费向公众开放.

*The 奥林美术馆 is open Monday through Friday from noon to 7 p.m. 展览期间. 奥林美术中心和奥林美术画廊位于华盛顿东惠灵街285号, Pa. 15301,电话724-223-6546.


About Washington & Jefferson College

Washington & 杰斐逊学院位于宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿., is a selective liberal arts college founded in 1781. 致力于为每一位学生提供最高质量的本科教育, W&J提供传统的艺术和科学课程,强调跨学科研究和独立研究工作.

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